SOMAFEL – Carajás Railroad

On 15 and 18 July, SOMAFEL Ltda (Brazil) and VALE, SA signed two contracts.

The first one refers to the “Empreitada Total para a Execução dos Serviços de Repotenciamento das Vias de Rolamento do Pátio de Produtos Localizado no Complexo Minerador de Carajás” (Full Contract Job for the Revamping of the Carajás Product Yard Tracks located in the Carajás Mining Complex), which will be carried out at the Carajás Mine in the state of Pará, Brazil. The contract job, which will last 165 days from the Service Order signed on 22 July 2019, consists of the demolition and removal of the existing track and construction of a new 580 m-long track.

This new contract allows the company to enter VALE’s Operations sector, where future investments for the refurbishment of operating infrastructure in mines and storage yards in the states of Pará and Maranhão are expected.

The second one refers to the “Empreitada Total para a Contratação dos Serviços Complementares nas Duplicações da Estrada de Ferro de Carajás” (Full Contract for the Procurement of Additional Services for the Duplication of the Carajás Railroad). In this Agreement, which will last 180 days from the Service Order signed on 25 July 2019, works will be carried out to reinforce the railway platform at Km 729 of the EFC (Carajás Railroad) in Marabá, and at Yard 51 in Itainópolis, both services operating in the state of Pará, Brazil.

With this new acquisition, SOMAFEL secures another contract with the VALE Project Implementation team, consolidating its position with this important client, as one of its main suppliers in the railway construction sector.